
Just do it, seriously.

One thing I'm learning more and more each day is that you can create your own happiness. I'm beyond the point now where I'm allowing life to just happen to me. A situation will come across and we are all presented with the decision to either suffer through, take steps to change it (or our attitude toward it). I'm learning to take the "suffer through" out of the equation. "Suffer through" is no longer an option. We're put on this earth for ninety years (often less). There are a finite number of days to live our experiences, and it will someday be over. I want to find myself at the end of that time knowing that I've taken every available opportunity to suck the life out of my existence here.

Finite days, people, and then we'll cease to exist? Do something to make your days count.
For you, my friends, I have compiled a fancy-dancy list. It's a "Make Your Life Kick-Ass" list. Here goes:

  • Emancipate yourself from a negative relationship. Dump the asshole you're with just because it's comfortable, be alone for a while, or alternatively, find someone who appreciates you, for the wonderful, fabulous person you are. It's a favor for both of you, because every day you spend unhappy with someone is taking precious days away from when, eventually, you find someone who loves you, adores you, and is ready to forge ahead with crazylife with you. Cut ties with toxic friends who bring you down. Friends support one another and encourage. Anyone less is a waste of time, energy and resources. Move on.
  • Stop making excuses. Take a scary chance and do what you really want to do. Here's a hint: the thing you really want to do has been in your brain, keeping you awake at night, keeping you daydreaming to pass the time at work. It's the thing that "oh, you could never do that, it's too.." Too what? Too awesome? Too time-consuming? If it's been done, it's doable, and you can be the next person to do it. Set the right steps in place to quit your job, start your business, move across the country (or to another country altogether), or whatever it is your heart desires. It's not going to fall into your lap, you've got to catch it, and make your happiness come sit beside you.
  • Learn, and never stop. Make a list of things you want to know about, and teach them to yourself! I'm of the firm belief that anyone can learn to do anything, and do it well. I've proven it time and time again in my own life and I've seen others succeed because of this thinking. Be it a new artistic skill, calculus, exquisite cooking, or something completely different - DO IT. Go back to school, or take a course online! MIT has over 2,000 course materials online available for free. All you need is the drive, the resources are there for you. No excuses, you get one brain, don't let it rot!
  • Be ridiculous. Have fun. Become that person at parties. Actually go to parties. Have ideas, and adventurize. Play pretend once in a while. One of my favourite things to do (that I haven't done in so long) is to put on red lipstick, high heels, and prance around my house with big band music on, pretending I'm a vampy, sexy, globe-trotting woman lounging in a hotel room in Paris waiting for my gorgeous kept man to come back from some secret espionage mission. Being silly is one of the best ways to make memories.
  • Take lots of pictures, listen to lots of music. Few things "take me back" better than a photo album and a familiar song. Create a soundtrack for the summer of your favourite songs of right now. Make your gorgeous memories, and when you hear those songs again, you'll feel the same way you once did, like an invisible, melodic time capsule.

Make your life one that you want to be living, and forsake all to get there. It's ultimately the most worthy thing you can do, because in the end you've only yourself to blame (or congratulate!).


  1. this is great! i have been struggling with taking pictures, i always forget!

  2. Love this, so much awesome! :) xx

    [stumbled on you via the blogs discussion on gala darling's facebook page...hi!]

  3. This is a really cool post, I love it! Very wise :)

  4. Ali - Give'er! I love taking pictures

    Rachel - Hey! I love Gala's site and think she's a great inspiration for those of us who want to be successful at this whole writing-for-love thing :D

    Deserthooker - Hey cutie! Thanks, I'm trying out this whole unsolicited advice thing for a while. It helps me just as much as it might help other people. <3
